Wednesday, September 20, 2006

2 people found dead in west Baltimore. is Omally showing signs of improvment? is following a developing story from west Baltimore where police have discovered the bodies of two people inside a vehicle.

WJZ's Captain Mike Perry reports the bodies were found inside a green sedan on the 2300 block of Lanvale Street. Both bodies were slumped over in the front seats of the car.

There is no word on how the people were killed, but it does appear to be a woman in the driver's seat, still strapped into her seatbelt. The gender of the other victim is not known.

Police are investigating this case as a double homicide and numerous officers were at the scene surrounding the car. will continue to monitor this developing story and provide new information as soon as it becomes available.

Last year, the Baltimore City Police Department reported 269 homicides, but the State Medical Examiner's Office, which handles victims of homicides statewide, reported 275.
WBAL-TV 11 News I-Team lead investigative reporter Jayne Miller reported the medical examiner reported a raw homicide number at 288. But 13 of those are cases don't count against the city's total.
Those 13 cases include justifiable homicides and the deaths of inmates in detention. Also included are three cases in which people died in car crashes caused by suspects fleeing from a scene.
Baltimore was going for ten year with a murder rate of over 300 which respectfully ended in the year 2001.
comming up on the 10th month in 2006 and we are at 190 homicides.
27 of those we had in 22 days in the first month of 2006.

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